- January 2006: Happy New Year! Not much to report here in the
news. The bulletin board continues to be the focus of most discussions.
- July 30, 2005: Well, you wanted a change... you got it. I should
be working on the f*$%cking car, rather than catering to whiners, but it was
a long time coming. Let us know, if you see anything broken.
- July 29, 2005: Some serious maint going on.... pages and the UBB
will be up and down.
- July 23rd, 2004: Deadline is MONDAY NOON for Motel
reservations... get them in now!
- July 14, 2004: Shootout is just a month away now... plan your
time off now!
- July 2nd, 2004: We've posted current motel reservations in the
Shootout section of the UBB. If you don't have a room booked yet, you better
get on it... we've only got a few weeks left before the numbers go in to the
- July 1st, 2004: Happy Canada Day, eh?!
- April 24, 2004: Sadly, today, we lost Andrew
Chin... we are all a better person for having known you AC, you will be
missed. Always. Please see the post on the UBB, for details,
arrangements, etc., as we have them.
- February 16th, 2004: UBB is back up again... please, give a good
heartfelt read of the post in the Announcements section.
- Feburary 11th, 2004: UBB is closed for now. Too many people,
taking too many things for granted. Time to reflect on what is really
- August 14th, 2003: Nice blackout, eh? But, we're back!
- July 28th, 2003: A sad day... we lost a good DSMer today. Dennis
Natter, TeamNABR co-founder, passed away this morning, due to "medical
complications". He was a good man,
who believed strongly in the strength of sharing good knowledge, and a guy you could respect
in a heatbeat. Anyone wishing to contribute to a donation that I will
be sending directly to his family, please visit the "Hall of Honour" pages,
and follow the instructions there.

- June 23rd, 2003: Welcome to summer! Also! Note the DSM INVASION
2003 is on... as it invades Toronto...
details now!
- June 3rd, 2003: Did some maint on the UBB, including enabling PHP
to hopefully speed up processing. Advise of any problems please...
- May 26th, 2003: Getting into the final run up to the Shootout, and
we have to get reservations in... if you need a room, speak up!
- May 21, 2003: Copies of the S-ITC Manuals now available, in English, in
the Tech Section
- April 21, 2003: Rooms now available for the Shootout! Check the UBB
ShootOut section for details. Reserve now, only a few rooms left!
- January 8th, 2003: Annual support donations have begun again,
thanks to those of you who have remembered. (last year was a little short)
See the Hall of Honour for results...
- January 1st, 2003: Another year, another lack of good timeslips...
here's to 2003 being the year that we're all in the 11's... then PPG could
actually use his 11 second sticker he bought.
- December 25th, 2002: Hope Santa brought you lots of go-fast
goodies... now get out and enjoy the snow in your AWD!
- October 24th, 2002: Quiet fall... not much to report on. Countdown
to the EVO in North America is on... 70 days and counting!
- August 30th, 2002: Another long weekend meeting on Sunday in
Toronto, will you be there? We will...
- July 25, 2002: Shootout was a blast... can't wait for the next one.
Did you hear about the rock star?
- June 17th, 2002: Plan to attend next month's meeting, if
you're around Toronto... the press will be there!
- June 10th, 2002: Check the UBB to confirm your Shootout Room
- June 7th, 2002: Last Call for Shootout Motel rooms! Only days left,
and only a few rooms left. See the Shootout 2002 section of the Bulletin
Board for details...
- April 19th, 2002: New look... tell us what you think!
- April 4th, 2002: Shootout Reservations are going in... check the
2002 section of the bulletin board, for details!
- March 14th, 2002: Changed the layout of the Member's Info
Database... much easier to read and use. Also updated several links in the
links section, and added a few more Speed Shops!
- March 12th, 2002: We've added some moderators to the UBB, to try
and stay on top of all of the traffic. Please give them your respect and
support, as it's not an easy job.
- February 27th, 2002: New VFAQ online for TB Seals replacement. See
the Tech seciton.
- December 25th, 2001: HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!! Hope Santa brings
you that new FMIC or Turbo colour of your choice.... and, remember to keep
the shiny side up!
- November 11, 2001: On this day... we remember, to never forget,
those who have gone before, and who have bravely put their lives on the
line, in the name of their country. Please take a moment and think about
- November 9, 2001: If you're reading this, then we have finally had
success. For the whole story, please read in the UBB under announcements.
- November 6, 2001: A permanent solution is now underway for the
website and the UBB, that should prevent any future problems whatsoever.
Will keep you posted. Must now move files, get running, and then get Todd
Day to redirect. Please stand by, this will take a few more days... but
the long-term result will be worth it.
- November 5, 2001: As an
update to the UBB problem, we have been once again stalled by the ISP
hosting the site. We are working on a completely new solution, and should
have an answer on that possibility by Tuesday night.
- November 1st, 2001: As of today its still a go. Friday November 2,
2001. 10:00am to 3:00pm $50/car (that is racing) spectators are free.
No race gas will be available.
Caravan tentatively is meeting at 8:00am at the old computer city
parking lot at HWY 10 and 403 (just north of the 403) there is a Kinkos and
a second cup? in that mall also. We will leave at 8:15am with a short stop
at the Tims on HWY 20 in Stoney Creek at 9:00am. That should put us at
Cayuga by 10:00am.
I (Mark PPG) will call Cayuga on Friday am, but we will already be in
Stoney Creek by the time anyone even shows up at the track (staff ) so
either way we go :-) and worsed case, we hit Stoney Creek and they tell us
to go home, or we show up anyways :-P
- October 30,2001: You can use the online chat function in the mean
time... look to the left.
- October 29, 2001: We're making progress. The main dsm.org computer
was holding us up with a DNS change over the last few days, but we finally
have access again, and the UBB repairs will finish shortly. It's one piece
of bad luck after another, rolled in with really bad timing.
We will explain when the UBB is back.
- October 23, 2001: People... please stop emailing and
asking when the UBB will be back. It will be back when it's fixed, and when
we can be assured that no further corruption of data will occur... thank
you. For us to try and make estimates and promises, is only foolhardy,
and you may be disappointed when we can't meet those promises, due to
circumstances that are beyond our control.
- October 18, 2001: PPG's 1st annual FWD vs. AWD!! at
Friday, November 2nd. 10:00am till 3:00pm. $50/car. email
to reserve a spot.
- October 17, 2001: We've had a major site problem... some files were
corrupted, and some were lost. We're working to resolve this, and should
have the UBB back up as soon as possible. We'll likely take the same
opportunity to update it's version. As well, as you can see, the news
history was also munged.
- .....note... obviously a large chunk of history was lost here, when the
ISP screwed up the server, and had to revert to an old backup...
- June 8th, 2001: Updated events to include planning pages for the
Shootout, as well as the Car Show! Go to Events!
- June 7th, 2001: Get your motel reservations in now! Rooms are
running out, as is time! Email your
request now!
- May 13th, 2001: The 2001 DSM Shootout is coming up fast! Get into
the bulletin board, get the details, and plan on attending!
- April 30th, 2001: The Hall of Honour is up! It's designed to
recognize those who care enough about the club, to contribute towards it's
up-keeping. Many Thanks!
- April 30th, 2001: Southern Ontario meeting, this Sunday! 12 noon,
plus there is the chance of a BBQ at Magnus afterwards... details to follow
as they are confirmed!
- April 25th, 2001: Events at Cayuga and London this weekend, in
Southern Ontario. Check the UBB!
- March 17th, 2001: Happy St. Patty's Day! Also, Cayuga has
announced opening day in Southern Ontario... April 7th!
- February 6th, 2001: We now have a hotel group booking for the
Shootout 2001! Check the Shootout section of the UBB for details!
- January 5th, 2001: Well, for those who have English as their first
language, but it reads like your third, your late holiday gift is here... we
now have a spellchecker in the UBB!
- January 4th, 2001: Reminder! In Southern Ontario, there's a monthly
meeting this Sunday... see you at Yorkdale, 12 noon!
- January 1st, 2001: An oddity in this Space... Here's to the
new Millennium!
- November 20th, 2000: Ivan has a Special Group Purchase
going for KYB AGX shocks, be sure and check the GP section of the UBB!
- October 5th, 2000: Late report in! The Fraser Valley
run from the west, we now have pics and text online. Check the events
section, or click here. Also,
new events on the events page, including a Track Training and Instructional
day at Mosport.
- October 4th, 2000: A new fun events page is being hosted... check
the events section for more details!
- October 2nd, 2000: Got some new pics online from this past weekend,
as well as from the Shootout. There's also a new mailing list for those who
are interested in giving their own personal time and effort to work on
upcoming projects and events. Check the contacts page for more details!
- September 29th, 2000: Complete update is in place now. Some cleanup
still required, so please bear with any inconsistencies.
- September 19th, 2000: DSM vs. THEM went very well! Check the
Bulletin Board for Results.
- August 22nd, 2000: Made a few updates here and there, and realized
that this news wasn't loading as it should have been.

- August 10th, 2000: Reminder! End of the month, on the 27th is the
DSM Day for the AutoX & Car Control School, check the Events section or
the Bulletin Board for details!
- August 3rd, 2000: Well, it was wet. This weekend,
reminder... for those who aren't on holiday, we'll see you at Yorkdale.
- July 24th, 2000: It's coming... the event of the millennium! It's
the DSM vs. THEM - Get ready, it's this weekend!
- July 17th, 2000: Shootout 2000 is next weekend, give 'em hell for
the rest of us!
- May 8th, 2000: Some nice pics from the Southern Ontario meeting
yesterday, check the LunchLog for details! Also,
corrected some of the MapQuest links and added some art below.
- April 18th, 2000: The UBB has returned. Please read the post under
titled "Explanation"... everyone needs to understand something.
- March 29th, 2000: Experiencing a minor glitch in the UBB, it will
return shortly.
- March 6th, 2000: It's booked! Put it on your calendar... July 30th,
Magnus Motorsports, Import Society and Club DSM Canada, proudly present the
DSM vs. THEM event. More to follow!
- February 11th, 2000: New Feature! For those of you
who like a live chat, and who don't have the patience for the american DSM
irc, we now have our own Java/HTML based live chat room! Check out the link
- January 31st, 2000: Well, the DSM crowd made a good showing at
Speedorama apparently, taking 1st and 2nd places in their categories!
Congrats to the guys and to Marco.
- January 23rd, 2000: Next weekend, 28-30th in Toronto, is
Some of your favourite shops, including Magnus, will be there to
the Spot... be there!
- January 11th, 2000: Some fellows out Sarnia - Ontario way, are holding a car
rally event, May 13-14. Check out the details
on their site!
- January 3rd, 2000: Guess we all survived the doom-sayers of y2k, what a joke. The
paranoia the media dreamed up, was truly the only bug in y2k. Need some help with the web
pages, anyone out there with the creative touch in the graphics department,
drop us a line!
- December 24th, 1999: Happy Holidays Everyone!
- December 23rd, 1999: Want to add some new and exciting things to the site, so
that we can provide people with more than just a place to chat... so what would you guys
like to see on the site? Email us!
- August 4th, 1999: Apparently, last evening Jeff's fiance Sharee passed
away. Our thoughts and wishes are with her family... it's truly a sad tragedy when a
couple with youth and such promise on their side, are lost in a situation that could
possibly have been avoided. Click the link above for memorial information.
- August 3rd, 1999: Neostyle Motorsports annouces their first annual
Drag Showdown! Check the events section for details... it's an excellent DSM
focussed event!
- July 29th, 1999: The page background has been dimmed, in
remembrance of Jeff Carpenter (of Forced Performance in Tulsa, OK), who was
killed in a tragic car crash last evening. He was a well respected member of the DSM
community and will be sorely missed. His fiance is still in critical
condition ... our thoughts are with her, and both of their families.
- July 28th, 1999: Southern Ontario members, gather this Sunday August 1st, in
Toronto for the now infamous monthly meeting, see you there!
- June 3rd, 1999: Urgent Reminder:
If you are even thinking about going to the DSM Shootout 1999, easily the most
DSM event of the year, be sure and get your reservation in now for
a hotel room, or else you won't have a place to stay! Check the events link above, for the
- June 2nd, 1999: This Sunday (June 6th). Southern Ontario. Monthly meeting at
Yorkdale! Let's see if we can break the record from last month!
- May 25th, 1999: Lots of little updates... Shootout updates, the Gallery down
below, and the Southern Ontario lunch-log pictures from May!
- April 29th, 1999: Don't forget, this Sunday is the Southern
Ontario monthly lunch meeting... see you noon Sunday at Yorkdale!
- April 12th, 1999: Well, we got around to updating some logs, adding some vendors
and events, and posted the Cayuga Free-Day pics! Check out the various sections, to locate
what you are looking for!
- March 23rd, 1999: Chris Holmes has posted a new article in his ongoing
Advice column... check out the Tech Info section for
more details, it's worth it!
- March 15th, 1999: Ok, the UBB is back up, and appears to be behaving.
Email admin immediately, if you see funny things
happening, ok?
- March 14th, 1999: Sorry guys... the UBB is offline until we narrow down
a problem. Hopefully in the next 24hrs. The UBB is working, but is trashing certain posts.
We'd rather keep it offline for a day, rather than thrash existing posts.
- March 4th, 1999: We've started the planning pages for the
Shootout 1999... so, go to the events page, and check for travel and event
- February 12th, 1999: New version of the UBB is now online... enjoy!
- February 5th, 1999: We're got a functional version of the "Top ## ¼
Mile Times" list in the tech section... check it out! We're looking
for feedback, as always...
- February 3rd, 1999: Andre has come up with a voting page, for us to choose which
wristwatch design we might prefer, for a club merchandise item. Please go to the
Watch Voting Page, have a look at
the designs there, and make your choice known!
- February 2nd, 1999: Marta did up a nice VFAQ for the site, on how to do a
compression test on your engine. Have a look in the Tech Info
section for it!
- January 12th, 1999: Got some pictures up from the monthly meetings
this past Sunday, both in Toronto, and it Ottawa... check the lunch log!
- January 8th, 1999: The UBB Chat Board is fixed, and is back... thanks for your
patience, and I'm sure you will enjoy the new features. Even more features for the UBB are
coming later this month, including (dare I say it out loud) a digest version, which will
hopefully help us stay in touch with those who have limited web access, but who can still
receive email.
- January 6th, 1999: Toronto Folks!
We are going to try again for a January meeting, this Sunday the
10th, at noon, usual location at Yorkdale! See you there... BTW, the
UBB is still down unfortunately. Poor
timing is to blame, as the guy who was to fix it couldn't get in, and I was lost in the
work world, and unable to help him. Here's hoping to ASAP.
- January 4th, 1999 - PART II: The problem with the UBB has been identified.
The author of the UBB is going to work on our site personally
late tomorrow night, so it should be back up and running late Tuesday or early Wednesday.
He would start sooner, but is trapped out of town due to the weather, something I am sure
we can all sympathize with.
- January 4th, 1999: Well, during an update to the UBB (to solve the Year 1999
bug), another bug cropped up and reared it's ugly head. So, as a result, it's
temporarily off-line. We're working with the developer, and will post right here, just as
soon as it's up again -- promise. ** Please DON'T try and go into
it, until it's fixed... **
- January 1st, 1999: Happy New Year!
- December 17th, 1998: If you haven't ever checked out the
Club DSM
Webring, it's now been re-vamped and cleaned up. On top of that, Steve
Rutledge has done up an awesome and appropriate button-bar for it... scroll down this main
page and check it out!
- December 2nd, 1998: We've got a sneak peak at a concept car that might just pull
Mitsubishi's DSMs out of the trashcan... check it out below!
- December 1st, 1998: Welcome to the winter season! First Sunday of the month is
this weekend, so for those in Southern Ontario, we gather once again at Yorkdale Mall for
our monthly meeting. Not sure what it's about? Check out the
- November 30th, 1998: Wow, slow month eh?! Chris Holmes
has just
put out another awesome article on stereo installs, in the Sound Advice
section of our Technical Pages. Check it out, there's more there
now than any stereo shop or magazine will ever share...
- October 29th, 1998: Another fine piece of creative writing graces our main page,
below. Come on guys, where's your creative spirit, let's see some new creative
work, or some new stuff for the pages... now that it's almost winter, and you've put the
car away, use some of that spare time to put something together for the site!
- October 27th, 1998: Saskatchewan now has a web site! Yes sir, yes ma'am, if you
are in the Land of the Living Skies, and want to check out some
stuff that is local and specific to you, go to sask.dsm.org!
Also, reminder, this Sunday coming up is our regular Southern Ontario monthly meeting...
- October 26th, 1998: Marco Passante at Magnus has some new web pages, including
pricing on certain services for those of us now stuck without an Ultimate in Toronto.
Steve R. is helping him with the design of the pages, so have a look at our Speed Shops
page, and give him some feedback as to what we're looking for.
- October 15th, 1998: Lionel got his pics developed from last month's meeting, so
we've put your pic in the database, if you attended! Also, we have a bunch of
snapshots from the lunch, so check out the Lunch Log, to see them
- October 9th, 1998: Some new funny bits appear below in the gallery, courtesy of
Scott Evans...
- October 5th, 1998: New report up on the monthly
lunch log
page... including the fight! If any others out there have a meeting, by all means,
send us a small blurb, and we'll gladly post it to help promote the fact that you're
having a meeting!
- October 2nd, 1998: Finally got the pictures up on the
page from last Saturday's season finale at LMP... if anyone has anything to add to
what is there, be it text or picture, by all means
it in!
- September 30th, 1998: For those in Southern Ontario, this Sunday marks another
fantastic meeting day... we'll see you out at Yorkdale! For those of you in the rest
of the country, why not get together this Sunday with some of your other local DSM
buddies, and have your own meeting, even if it's just you and your car.
- September 23rd, 1998: See below... some art contributed by one of our very own
- September 21st, 1998: End of the season blow out, this Saturday for all you
Southern Ontario types - See the events page for departure and caravan details!
- September 14th, 1998: We've planned a final, amazing, last-blast of the season
day for racers, spectastors, and families in the Southern Ontario area! Head for the
events section to get more details, or get involved in the dicussion about it on the chat
- September 13th, 1998: The report is in from the Import day in London, check out
all the results on our events page.
- September 4th, 1998: Be aware, there was some confusion about dates of upcoming
events in Southern Ontario. We have corrected them on the events page.
- September 3rd, 1998: Sunday SUNDAY SUNDAY!!! Yes, it's
time for people to gather again, meet, shoot the sh!t, and have some lunch... see you on
Sunday at Yorkdale!
- August 30th, 1998: Fantastic event yesterday at Cayuga, you all
have been there... read Lionel's review!
- August 20th, 1998: For all you Albertans out there, the
Calgary Area DSM sub-regional is now active! Check it
out... we'll be working in conjunction with them to provide the best possible info for
everyone. They have a meeting coming up soon too, so check out their pages!
- August 18th, 1998: New version of the chat board/UBB. Some nifty new features...
- August 17th, 1998: The Member's Database is back up! Also, we're slowly
constructing a Satan errr DEALER reviews page, with
stats and everything. So, if you have any stories, recommendations, warnings, about any
dealer, good or bad,
send them
- August 14th, 1998: Updated the events page, with some upcoming Import Challenge
events at both Cayuga and London. We must have made an impression in London, the invite
was specific...
- August 12th, 1998: We have several reports to read (with pictures to follow as
they become available), of our day out to London for the Ultimate Import Challenge! Wow,
what a day... read the reports off of the events page.
- August 10th, 1998: As you can see, we're back up and running. Sorry about the few
days of down time. The server is definitely faster now though.
- August 7th, 1998: Be aware... our provider is upgrading their web-server for more
power, speed, stability, and enhancements. As a result, certain functions on our web pae
will be off-line temporarily. Please bear with us...
- August 7th, 1998: If you're coming to London tomorrow, here's the
caravan info...
- August 6th, 1998: Holy no new news Batman... we updated the
meeting log, and we have the amazing, awesome,
incredible Ultimate Import Challenge this weekend!
Look forward to seeing you all there! Caravan details to follow, so check back here
before Saturday mid-morning.
- July 20th, 1998: Updated all the info for the upcoming, amazing,
Ultimate Import Challenge!
We should all be there, racers or not, to be sure and remind the import community that we
do more than just exist... so book off the 8th of August, NOW!
- July 19th, 1998: We've added a link to a new group based in Toronto, called the
Import Society. Not sure where they're going, but
they appear to be on the right track... keep an eye on them.
- July 16th, 1998: We've added another rather interesting forum to the chat board,
after a member's request... check it out, and fill it up.
- July 15th, 1998: WE'RE BACK! And here is the
digest of what happened, how we did,
pictures even!
- July 7th, 1998: Sorry to waste more space on it, but we have moved the Ferry
Caravan's departure time up half an hour. Arrive at Tim Horton's at 5:30am....
details here.
- July 6th, 1998: A Tentative
road caravan has been planned. Check the info, and discuss on the chat board.
- July 6th, 1998: A picture and report from another awesome monthly meeting, are
available on the "Lunch Log Page".
- July 5th, 1998: We've posted the travel plans for the
Ferry Caravan to the Shootout, but if you're not
travelling on the ferry, check the chat board as they're still planning the (non-ferry)
road route and timing!
- June 30th, 1998:
AWARE!! This Sunday's monthly meeting has been moved from Yorkdale
Mall to Centennial Park in Etobicoke, and the time has changed... the weather is just too
nice to sit in a parking lot. Directions, and details
- June 29th, 1998: The awesome pictures are up
from the Test 'n Tune day in London! Thanks to Steve for the video footage source.
- June 29th, 1998: Another amazing article in the
SoundAdvice column, from Chris!
Check it out!
- June 21st, 1998: The Shootout CD 1998 is ready... check out
the page for more info.
- June 17th, 1998: More tidbits here and there, updates to this and that...
including a few new speed shops outside Ontario. If you have a shop in your area that you
would recommend, and they're not on our list, by all means tell us about them!
- June 16th, 1998: A new version of the Chat Board has been installed. No
email options yet, but some other nifty toys, and the overall architecture of the
underlying code has been improved for speed.
- June 15th, 1998: An awesome day of racing! Some did well, some didn't do
as well as they might have hoped... all the details are on the
- June 13th, 1998: 6:26am - Good to Go guys... latest forecast has weather moving
out of London sooner than they predicted last night. Should be fine for the track... see
you at breakfast.
- June 8th, 1998: Another great (if a little soggy) lunch meeting,
check the log for details. REMINDER!
This Saturday is Test 'n' Tune day for those of us in Southern Ontario, check out
the latest details and where caravans are meeting,
- June 3rd, 1998: REMINDER! Meeting this Sunday (June 7th), see you all
out at Yorkdale...
- June 2nd, 1998: The Test 'n' Tune Day Caravan details have been arranged, and are
listed under the events section. We're also working on the
details for the 1998 Shootout Caravan, and will post them shortly.
- May 22nd, 1998: We've got the date and details set for the Club DSM Canada Test
'n' Tune day in London, Ontario. Check out the events page to
learn more!
- May 10th, 1998: As suggested (thanks!) we've added a little
icon to some
pages, to help you notice new things. Also, there is discussion in the chat board about a
Test 'n Tune day sometime soon, if that interests you, join in!
- May 7th, 1998: Found some more racetracks around here, thanks to some of you guys
out there. Boy do the guys in Calgary have it nice... have a look at the
facilities page, as it's also been cleaned up as a result.
While digging for the facilities page, we found some more good Canadian sites for the
links page.
- May 3rd, 1998: Another awesome Lunch... check out the lunch
log page. Also, very important... if you
had a car there, we probably snapped a picture of it for the
database... so have a look at the
page and claim your picture!
- May 3rd, 1998: The
1998 CD vote form is ready to be used... vote for your favourite songs, so they appear
on the CD!
- May 2nd, 1998: Added a Table of Contents to the
- April 30th, 1998: Added us to the Club DSM WebRing (see below).
- April 29th, 1998: Another new version of the Chat Board is up. It has some new
enhanced email features, that are leading towards total email copies for those without web
access. See the details inside the chat board! ALSO, don't
forget, this Sunday, monthly meeting at Yorkdale... if you
haven't been before, or haven't been in a while, come on out, it's a blast!
also have the digital camera out, so if you want a pic of you or your car for the
Member Database, this is the best time to get it!
- April 20th, 1998: The shootout is coming, the shootout is coming! Don't
leave it to the last minute, or you'll be stuck for rooms and be rushing around trying to
figure out who's going when. Go to the events pages and see
what's up!
- April 15th, 1998: It's ready! The member database is back, and it ready to
'n' roll! It's a whole new one, so please
here and then follow the instructions. We've tested it over the last
week, but if you run into anything strange, or have questions, just
email us!
- April 11th, 1998: The next article inthe
column is up! Happy Easter Everyone!
- April 8th, 1998: New version of the UBB... not much different, and still no email
option, but it's coming along. We'll get on top of the author about it, post haste. Also,
PPG's new theme song for us is featured in the abstract's gallery below, have a look.
- April 7th, 1998: We've got some more technical information online, including a
FAQ for TT install in the 2nd Gen cars. Also added a bunch of regional SoloII/AutoX events
to the calendar, so check 'em out! Still looking for more technical people to help others
out within their particular field of expertise.
- March 31, 1998: It's BACK! The chat board returns... we
believe all to be well, but if for some unknown reason you encounter any errors, please
drop us a line. Also
FORGET the monthly lunch, it's this Sunday, 12 noon sharp!
- March 27, 1998: <sigh> Sorry guys, the
chat board still isn't back. Rest assured that we're doing our best, and that if there was
any way possible to get it going, it would be running. Please bear with us, we want it
running as much as you do, perhaps even more. Thanks for your patience... On a
brighter note, the first article has been posted by our resident Car Stereo guru... give
it a look see, it's pretty darn good, and surely is
- March 25, 1998: Ok, we have access again (been locked out by a technical glitch
since Sunday)... so we can tell you that the chat board is still down. As part of the
server upgrade, Perl got pooched. So, that means that the chat board will not run, for the
moment. We will post right here, just as soon as it is back up, they're working on it, and
it should be fixed tomorrow! While we're typing, if you're interrested in SoloI/II,
plan to hang out a little bit longer next Sunday (April 5th) after our meeting,
as the open house is the same day, in Toronto, at 2:00pm... we thought we could all go
there after the meeting, and show them just who we are!
- March 20, 1998: The calendar has been updated over th past few days, to include
SoloI, SoloII, and Rally events, check it out! Even if
you don't race now, perhaps you want to, or just want to cheer some of your fellow
Racers on!
- March 18, 1998: Fixed up the links page, updated some missing ones, and enhanced
the look and feel. Thanks to Danny Yoo for checking all the links out for us, and finding
the missing ones! Got more? Go look through your 'Bookmarks' file and
send some of them to us!
- March 17, 1998: The server upgrade that was to commence tomorrow night
(Wednesday) has been pushed off until Saturday at 11am. This won't make a big difference
for most of you, but for the two having problems with the chat board, sorry about the
wait. For you two, you also might want to double check your system settings, as Joe Brown
informed me that on his new machine today (same software), it's now working just fine.
Looks like it was just his install on the old machine. ALSO, still adding more items
to the events calendar, so if you have anything to add, (anything at all), just
drop us a line.
- March 16, 1998: We've added some descriptions of various types of racing styles,
to the Tech section. Have a look, maybe there is a style for you! If nothing else, you'll
at least then understand what the rest of us are talking about...
- March 14, 1998: The events calendar is up.
It's a bit sparse, so if you have events, send them to us!
- March 12th, 1998: Ok we're back on track, and the new message forum is online, as
- March 4th, 1998: Adding more and more stuff every day, too much to keep listing.
- March 3rd, 1998: We have added a credits/contacts page. See if you can find it,
the link is on this main page.
- March 3rd, 1998: The site's look is being changed dramatically. The main factor
was that the previous site layout didn't accomodate people with larger screen sizes.
Feedback is always welcome. (a survey has shown
that the lowest common denominator is now 800x600, with an average being 1024x768 size
screens, however the site will continue to support 640x480 as best we can)
- March 2nd, 1998: We got the info and pics up from the Go Karting
event, check out the events page!