As we are all aware, Club DSM and Club DSM Canada, operate as completely free, member-driven organizations. (no pun intended)

However, as with most things in life, certain things still cost money to keep them up and running. Namely, web space, our fixed IP address, and the Ultimate Bulletin Board software that we use for our discussion forum.

Up until recently, one of our members has been paying these fees out of his own pocket. He justifies this as it simply being his contribution to the group at large, and his hobby. By his own words, he also has no problems continuing to pay the costs...

Well, some of the members decided that this wasn't fair, and have asked for an annual donation to the cause. We're not asking for a lot of money, as the suggested donation is only $15 (Canadian or US). This donation is completely voluntary, and no rewards, returns, or pressure should be applied on either the donator or the receiver... however, it's all for the good of the club, and it will be closely tracked and tallied on this page from now on.

What do you get in return?
You get to see your name here, and the good feeling that you have supported the club that we all believe in.
Submission information is below.
Those noted with an * after their names, have made contributions that exceed the suggested.

Club DSM Canada Members

The Hall of Honour

For the year 2016

Cody Dyck
Ziggy Dietrich *****


For the year 2015

Andre Mourinho *
Andrew Trapp ****
Jason Stacey
Terry Sikora
Ziggy Dietrich *****


For the year 2014

Andrew Trapp *
Guillaume Noiseux Lauze *
Jeremy Gilbert **
Oleksiy Akhachynskiy **
Ziggy Dietrich *****


For the year 2013

Andrew Trapp *
Dio Long
Eric Kellar *
Jessica Madder/Terry Sikora
Michael Certain
Oleksiy Akhachynskiy **
Michael Lee
Ian Burnside **
Paul Bratina ***
Ryan Laliberte *
Sigfried 'Ziggy' Dietrich ******
Jeff Mitchell
Jeremy Gilbert *
Rob Strelecki
Rob Cauduro
John Larmond


For the year 2012

Jeremy Gilbert
Sigfried 'Ziggy' Dietrich ****


For the year 2011

Chase Ivany
Ian Burnside ***
Jamal Qazi
Sigfried 'Ziggy' Dietrich ******
Sven Hebbard *


For the year 2009

Calendars Project ***
DSMLink Group Buy
Jamie Loo *****
Mark Bondy *
Mike Lane
Jason Suen
via Ryan's Sell-off
  • Ziggy

  • Rob Strelecki

  • Ian Burnside

  • Dave Barlow

  • Stacey Shaw

  • Giz

  • Robert Dike

Sigfried 'Ziggy' Dietrich ******
Stacey Shaw ***
Tashko Sarakinov **


For the year 2008

Ian Burnside
Lukas Warzynski ******
Punishment Racing Group Buy
Ryan Laliberte *
Sigfried 'Ziggy' Dietrich **
Tashko Sarakinov *


For the year 2007

DSM Link Group Buy
Rob Greer
Jason King **
Sigfried 'Ziggy' Dietrich *********
Steve Kinnaird
Tom Priest
Tashko Sarakinov *
Water Injection Group Buy


For the year 2006

Amin Ahmadi-Bidhendi *
Chris Holmes **
Dennis Camacho **
Helber Paula **
James DeCunha **
Jaremy Tallentire *
Jason Leung *
Jay McClelland **
Jeff Mitchell *
Jesse Gill
Joe Stevens
Miguel 'Sergio' Barros **
Noah Wiles **
Paul Sitarski *
Rafal Kuleta
Rob Strelecki **
Ryan Laliberte *
Siggi Dietrich ****
Tashko Sarakinov *
Tony Vaz *


For the year 2005

Chris Clark ****
David Dziarmaga ****
Ernest Mah
Jason King ****
Jerry Rose *****
Joe Esmama *
Mike Leclerc
Rob Greer ****
Rob Cauduro ****
Siggi Dietrich ****
Waldo Calderon *********


For the year 2004

Adam Clay *
Amin Ahmadi-Bidhendi *
Chris Clark ****
David Robins *
Dean Boyle
Dennis Wong **
Fai Lee
Jeremy Chin ***
Jason Leung *
Jay McClelland *
Lucasz Warzynski ***
Nathan Fullerton *
Nick Boers
Noah Wiles
Peter Tarach *
Rob Greer **
Rob Cauduro ****
Scott Neville **
Sean McNair
Siggi Dietrich ****
Stephen White
Tony Lowell *
Tony Vaz *


For the year 2003

Amin Ahmadi-Bidhendi
Bernhard Pallek *
Bob Brown *
Christopher Pearce *
Dennis Wong **
Jeff Mitchell **** ***
Julian Poe

Ken Barkhouse

Kevin McDonald ***
Mark Scheitzbach
Nick Boers ****
Noah Wiles
Paul Bratina *
Paul Petricca *
Rafal Kuleta
Rob Cauduro
Rob Greer *
Sachin Raja **
Scott Neville *
Sean Costall *********
Stephen Nagy ****
Steve Kinnaird
Steve Marton *
Steve Rutledge

Tony Vaz *

Tony Lowell *


For the year 2002

Boyan Yankovich **

David Pankew *

Edward Koh

Ernest Mah **

Fred Macapagal *

Marta Cepek **
Paul Bratina
Paul Petricca *
Peter Chatterton **
Robert Thompson *****
Scott Neville *


For the year 2001

Amy Yakiwchuk
Andrew Chin
Andrews Marchisio
BJ Yankovich
Bob Thompson
Brett Ter Smitte
Carl Furman
Carlos Vincent *
Chris Holmes
Craig Watson
Dennis Camacho
Dennis Wong *
Doug Vanderby
Fred Macapagal *
Ghislain Goudreau
Ian Clarke ****
Jeff Mitchell
Jeremy Clarke
John Hately
Ken Chan
Konrad Deska
Len Randall ***
Mark Scheitzbach
Marta Cepek
Michael Hamilton
Michel Brais
Mike Jackson
Paul Bratina
Paul Kolbuc
Paul Petricca
Pete Tarach *
Peter Chatterton *
Rob Arpa
Rob Greer
Sean Dean
Sergey Rodovinsky
Steve Alexander
Steve Kinnaird
Steve Rennick
Ted Taplin
Todd Hynes
Tom Gilmore *
Tony Aleluia
Tony Vaz
Will Belancic *

* - indicates a most generous donation above and beyond the suggested amount.

Donations and Submissions may be sent to:

Andrew Bienhaus
371 Binbrook Road
Binbrook, Ontario
L0R 1C0

Or, if you prefer, you may send money to his PayPal account. He is registered under the email address of, where you may also direct your questions.

If you see any errors, omissions, or we have missed your name, please SPEAK UP!

Thank you for Your Support!