Well Mike I remember those days like it was yesterday. When I installed my upper IC pipe I thought it would work wonders for me but I got the same results you did. Theres more to it than just changing the Upper IC. Alot of things come into play and I had to do alot of trouble shooting to find out what was gooin on. First things first, by replacing the upper ic you have change the volume of air that goes into the intake so the car is going to react diferentley. If you ask me it sounds like your BOV is leakin or is not holding boost pressure. Every time I punched my car and would let off it would stall on me. It was a combination of two things for me and apparentley after having dome alot of research its pretty common so here goes. I found that my stock 1st gen BOV was not holding pressure...it was leaking boost under WOT. The other which is very common check to see if the outlet coming from the top of you intercooler is not bent or warped....this will cause an improper seal to the ic pipe and it willleak boost from there. Usually when a TSI stalls or reacts like its going to stall means you have a boost/vacum leak. And since this is a new symptom for you Im sure its leaking in regards to your new setup. All in all I fixed my probolem by finding where the leak was comin from and I bought a blitz BOV cause the stock one crushed or not wasnt doin the job especially at higher levels of boost. Oh and I do vent mine off to the atmosphere as well... when you do this the rpms will drop regardless and sometimes it will actually stall but not very often. It basically takes gettin used to but this is the price we pay when we want speed and performance.

Hope this helps. Good Luck.

4 cylinders under the hood leaves more room for horsepower!!
92 Eagle TSI AWD

[This message has been edited by Joe P (edited March 02, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Joe P (edited March 02, 2000).]