Sounds like it was a great time. PPG, nice work. I would have loved to go but my life is a constant Monday moring. I'm lucky to drive the Talon once/month to the Solo 1 races and I can't make all of those either. I recall 2 years ago the shootout was a hoot, bacon gravy and all. First time on the 1/4 mile in bracket racing. I won 4 or 5 races in a row with only 5 cars left from 80, then lost. I was pissed that some guy got two buys in a row. I understand sometimes someone gets a buy, but the same guy 2 runs, back to back! They handed him a top 3 finish. One more win and I would have had at least 3rd place. Anyway, old sour grapes. Maybe next year I will be able to attend and so will Marco. In Marco's defence, he has been racing in London, New Jersey and Montreal 3 weekends in a row, running 10s in the RX7 and his Talon isn't ready. He also has a very busy 6-7 day/week, 16 hours/day business to run. He could have brought the RX7 for the import day. I'm sure next year he will attend.