Was out for a cruise just before putting her into storage. I noticed after about 20 minutes, the car had no power. And the RPM gauge was wonky.

I was doing 80kph, put it in 3rd and my rpms were around 1500. (impossible!) Push on accelerator. No real power to accelerate.

So I limped her home. Funny thing is, twice during attempt to accelerate from stop limping home, issue went away. But if I attempted to load up the engine too much, problem came back.

I'll post video now and log later.

FP works. Plugs look fine. Wires ok. Turbo is spinning freely
No smoke. Exhaust feels cold though and the AF Gauge is reading 16+.

Just before the issue creeped up, I was under full boost and got off when I saw the CEL come on. Checked logs, it hit 7deg KnockRet. Something is up with fuel is my guess.

Clogged filter? Bad injector? Gonna try and find service manual. But if anyone has had this happen, lemme know smile !

Last edited by Charles Lavoie; November 15, 2015 10:13 pm UTC.

98,6Bolt,3"EXH,LINKV3,780cc,SD,SCM61@26PSI, 340LPH,AFPR,TSBOV,REARWB,FMIC,2"RAD(20/80/WW)