It was kind of an experimental run. I got an idea from a fellow DSM'er about running both an MBC and ecmlink boost control in conjunction. The idea is the EBC clamps the external gate 100% closed until a certain point via the top port and the MBC sets the maximum boost. So it gives you slightly faster spool up, the WG doesn't gradually open like with a MBC, it opens instantly when it gets to the desired boost and you also don't get that annoying fluttering noise of the EBC caused by the pulsing of the EBC. I set it up about 11pm Friday night and tested it on the way to the track.

I'll have to say it seems to work very well. I was spiking to 32 psi and dropping and holding to 30 psi with a fairly mild timing curve.

[Linked Image]

I'm thinking of picking up a 4" ETS core and probably going black wink

1997 Eclipse GST - AWD swapped - TPC - GT Spec powered
2023 - 9.63 - 145mph