I've seen guys blow up motors from Rainbow, Gord, Magnus, and other builders. Guys who don't know sh!t about tuning, spin rod bearings and blow headgaskets, and then go blame the builder.

No engine is bullet proof, period. Just becasue one machine shops puts it together, it doesn't make it anything special. These 4g63 engines are very simple to work with for ANY machine shop.

I just get the machine work done and do all the assembly myself. Every nut, bolt and gasket is assmebled and turned by me.

Personally, I have been using Paul at Rainbow for almost 10 years and not once have I ever had to go back to him. I trust his machine work 100%. I have seen guys blow up their motors within days of getting it back from him, due to their own stupidity, and he still tries to help them out.

The worst is when a dumb nut who knows jack all is quick to blame the machine shop for his engine failure!

1G DSM: 1000+ AWHP, 9.2@162.83 MPH
Evo X: 746 AWHP, XR9569S pump gas