Originally Posted by Bryan Lawrence
Originally Posted by Gnanesh Para
Originally Posted by Bryan Lawrence
Originally Posted by Gnanesh Para
The only thing that I hated about Forza 2 were those endurance races. Sometimes it would take over an hour just to complete one, little bit ridiculous.

LOL, that's not an endurance race, Gran Turismo has actual endurance races that take hours to complete. They even have the 24hr lemans, which as your probably guessed it takes 24hrs to complete.

Wow, I would NEVER be able to play Gran Turismo then. I love cars and racing and all but sitting in one spot for hours going around the same track, in the same car in a video game just gets way too boring for me.

Well for those crazy races like that you have to approach just like an actual endurance race is. Have multiple drivers.

No one does that. I would never trust someone else to race for me.

In previous versions (Gran Turismo 4 and earlier), you either did it in one sitting or left your PS2 on, changed the channel/turned the TV off and came back to it. Not ideal, but it's how almost everyone with some semblance of sanity did it.
In Gran Turismo 5 (PS3), you can quit the game and save the race in progress, but if you go to play the game again you MUST continue the race, or forfeit your progress i.e. you can't save it and then go do another race or play arcade mode. You can pop in another game, etc...but the next time you boot GT5 up, you're doing that race if you don't want to lose it.

'92 Talon TSi AWD - 5 Speed/E16G/12.385s @ 115.13mph