I've been wasting my nights away lately, because I'm broke, and because of Torchlight 2.

The pace of the game is great. Different flavour from Diablo.

I haven't touched my 360 in a while. I guess console gaming isn't for me.

Everytime something new comes out like Halo X and Gears of War X, it's just more of the same. They're shooters.

Best shooter to this day is Counter-Strike. I'll occasionally play that.

I do have AC 123 sitting here...we'll see if I ever get to them. I played a bit of 1.

Shoot I have some games still in their wrapping like Ghost Recon.

Have lots of catching up to do. I plan on making this winter a complete STAY AT HOME gaming season 'slash' workout season getting back to my gym's new facility.

Occasional drink binge with the boys.

Gotta save money!

1997 Eclipse GST/X
Eat in small amounts. Otherwise be prepared to paint toilet bowls~ Mike Eng