Originally Posted by Jason Weir
Well find out what fixing the pup will be and then from there hopefully a few dog owners will pipe up about costs.
I know my cat has cost me almost a grand this year alone however truth be told I knew that going in. Very temperamental bellies and what no one could have known a cryptic testical (only one ball had dropped by 6 months
There will be cost of kennel(always a good thing to crate a dog they don't piss where they lay)
May want some training so that you have a good dog when walking him in public areas (Optional but real)
toys surprisingly add up and with pups its way faster.
Trips to the vet over issues like he starts to vomit start at $100 here and that's NS not Ontario where I am thinking more.
Dental seems to be the growing trend with dogs and cats as well for health reasons and that just adds to the bills.
shots to keep them up to date is a few hundred in the beginning then maybe a small amount as time goes on.
Fleas and what ever else your environment offers up.
Please understand I am not trying to be negative I am only saying think it through simply due to the fact that shelters are full of animals that people didn't do their thinking up front. (as previously stated I think your doing the right thing asking opinions shows that your trying to think this through!) smile
PS above stated puppy is BEAUTIFUL great dogs very good with almost everything

Well said tu