This stuff has become my newest interest, soo much to know when it comes to aero and how such small things can make such a difference. Balance is very important and an underbelly can make a world of difference in the handling of a car. Manual, remember i told you i had fallen in love with lotus Elises and must own one? Look up pictures of the underside of one of those. Theres is way too much going on under a DSM to achieve that. Get a front splitter, rear diffuser and fab up a belly pan and call it done is what i would do.

I got a couple aero books this christmas and look forward to reading them in the next month or 2.

Anyone have a wind tunnel i can borrow? grin

Last edited by Mike Degli Angeli; December 30, 2008 01:06 am UTC.

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Amateurs built the Ark,
Professionals built the Titanic.