Bought a moto q from bell. signed 3 years paid 99 dollars plus taxes total bill was like 124.-- something like that. Got home recieved a text after not using it saying I had reached my 175 limit. Used my telus phone to call bell saying what is up with this they said it would be an 80 dollar activation fee why is my bill already 150. They had no explanation just saying it was the activation fee couldn't be changed. With the plan I got it was unlimited everything for the first 6 months.

So I used the phone for 2 more days. Day 2 got a text in the morning I was at 175. By the end of the day saying I was over my limit. Called them up told them I haven't used my phone and you guys suspended it. Asked me how I would like to clear up the bill. Told him to cancel the account. He seemed surprised I hung up.

3 months later my friend offered me 160 for the phone. I said the bill they gave me for 1 month was 1000 (with cancelation) He said meh he was just going to use it for games.

Got bored just recently went into bell. They completely erased my 1000 dollar debt and gave him the phone with no contract.

So I bought a moto q for 99. Sold it for 160. I ended up just making money off it and my friend got a moto q for 25% of the price at the time. No one got charged for the contract at all. Not even one bill they just told my friend its gone don't worry about it.

I couldn't stand there customer service and why no one could explain why the bill would go up while not in use.

Now with rogers, have had no issues and my moto krzr still works good after a year.

2g awd, Back to dsms here I come.