Hello Ya'll!!!

Was at the track last Monday. Tim, Tom and I showed up, we had a blast.

Then I blew a gasket. No I did not lose it. I mean the header to colector pipe gasket kicked the bucket. Anyhow I ordered an OE from Crappy, just wanted to see if it would fit. You guessed it right, nope. I did buy some gasket material pn; 92-5000-0 they sell it by the inch... ($1.49) Made with asbestos and aluminium. Should last a little longer I hope, if not I'll try to find some 1/16" copper plate...

Anyway, I made a new one, put in on and went for a cruse with no more rumble. Ahhh!!!

See the differences between the OE and the "Now Dead" Pace Setter. Hope ya all enjoy!!!

<IMG SRC=http://www.lks.net/~ghislisa/ExtFlGasket.jpg>

[This message has been edited by Ghislain Goudreau (edited August 02, 2000).]
