So, here's the deal with the home 'DEPOT' made intake for our slow poke cars. Went to home depot with my shopping list, pickup everything for about 27.00 including tax. When I got it all back and looked at it, it appers that it won't fit because the battery is in the way (which I want to move to the back anyways). So I take out the battery, put everything together, cut the pipe (I'll have the exact length in a day or so). I had to completely remove the battery box, there was no way that it was going to fit otherwise. My main problem with this is that I broke my batter tie down strap (the bolt) when I bought the car, DOH! But it because of the fact that the intake pushes right up to it, it doesn't seem to move. Anyways, the setup looks REALLY good and is a bit louder, the one problem I'm having with it is BIG time idle surge, set the biss and then it started up and goes up and down between 1000-1500. I think it is because I haven't glued the pipe to the fitting, but they're fairly tight... Any thoughts Tyler?

Mike Vince
Lots a Boom, No Vrooom

[This message has been edited by mikevince (edited July 13, 2000).]