
This is obviously none of my business, and I may not entirely understand the situation (partially because of your semi-decipherable post) but I'd just like to offer you some advice, which may also be good advice to anyone else who sells things over the internet or telephone.

1. People don't like being lied to. This applies to other areas of life as well. If you say you are going to send a part, send it. If you think the guy is not going to pay you and you don't want to send the part, tell the guy you are not going to send it so he can go get one somewhere else. Lee, you compounded this problem by lying about sending the part twice. That makes people twice as pissed off at you.

2. The fact that you didn't even try to find out if Mr. Jackson was trustworthy by using this forum further aggravates the situation. If you had tried that, I'm sure that Mike would have the part, you would have your money and your reputation would have been improved for a change.

To summarize;
- Don't lie.
- Basic due diligence is not that hard to do.

That's all.

Stay tuned next week for "Look both ways before crossing the street."

97 Talon TSi AWD.