Nigel I feel you there.

Some guy was on my tail today on a small side street. I was doing the speed limit trying to find a spot on the road to park and when I slowed down and stopped he honked at me. I put my car in reverse and he pulled up beside me and started yelling at me. After I gave him a few choice words about how unsafe it is to be driving that close behind me, he asked me if I knew how he was. I told him no in a pissed off tone and he told me he would arrest me. Even more pissed now; I said, "O ya, hold on a sec." As I opened up my glove box, I heard him peal off. Funny think is, I was just reaching for a pen and paper to get his badge number down and see if I could report him for impregnating an officer.

I don’t know why some people can be so stupid when they get in a car.