Nigel take a deep breath relax maybe have a beer because it isnt worth the aggravation. I have had my share of idiots and like Mike sometimes get "creative" with them but once things have calmed down and you think about it then it really wasnt worth the potential aggravation or risk. I have no problem messing with a guy but if it turns ugly then you have insurance claims, police reports, tow trucks, body shops, hospital visits etc. Maybe I am just getting old but I have no problem getting into it with the guy at the time but all the headaches after are a waste of my time and for what?

I think the idea is that we are going to teach these idiots a lesson and next time they wont be assholes. Well most likely we are wrong and next time they will still be assholes.

Going up hurontario just before burnhamthorpe I see the traffic is bumper to bumper and stopped at the other side of the intersection so I slow and stop at the green on my side. A less attentive idiot behind me blows his horn and pulls out from behind me up to my window to "comment" on my driving ability. I say buddy where exactly do you think you are going, whats the rush? The traffic is stopped and we wont get through the intersection. Buddy has the joy of being stuck beside me for the next three sets of lights as we crawl along. He gets an earful of crazy motherfracker from me asking how he is doing and look how fast we are going over the last hundred feet so what was I thinking making him stop at the green like that. It comes down to him saying so you think you can take me and me saying without a fracking doubt my friend, he sees the crazy look and decides he better shut up and rolls up his window. He squeals away at the next highway exit and I am pretty sure that when he gets home he will be telling his buddies about some idiot in a Talon who doesnt know how to drive. The point? None! Dont waste your time.

Every day I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've stayed alive.